
Multiply free numeracy and maths courses

Multiply courses

All courses are free. Courses can fit around your life – part time, intensive, one-to-one, group, in person or online.

Climate conversations - what are the odds?

Tuesday 17 December from 6.30pm to 7.30pm, Microsoft Teams

What are the odds

  • off exceeding 1.5 degrees of global warming in the next four years? Evens
  • that we can prevent 2 degrees global rise by 2065? Not good! 4:1 against
  • that we can make a difference? What do you think?

There’s lots we can do where we live to slow down climate change -  recycling initiatives, energy saving schemes or joining communty groups. But will any of these make the differences needed?

Out climate conversations will look at the most up-to-date scientific evidence and ask – do we need big solutions now?

 or email multiply@ea.edin.sch.uk

Edinburgh College courses

National 5 Application of Maths

Sighthill Campus, starts Tuesday 27 August until March 2025

There will be two sessions a week on a Tuesday and a Thursday from 4pm to 6pm. You must attend both days. The course will run for 3 terms and there wil be extra work over and above the four hours each week.

This course applies numerical skills in personal, workplace, social and educational situations that involve graphical information, calculations and solving problems. The focus of the course is on transferable numeracy skills - using number skills, understanding and using graphs, tables, charts and diagrams.

Online courses

Getting the best from your bank account

Setting up a bank account, online banking, switching accounts, savings accounts, apps, bank cards, direct debits and standing orders.
Monday 20 January, 6pm to 7.30pm
or email multiply@ea.edin.sch.uk

Shopping and budgeting

Getting good deals, working out discounts, cashback, supermarket tips, buying online, avoiding scams.
Monday 27 January, 6pm to 7.30pm
 or email multiply@ea.edin.sch.uk

Making sense of your pay slip

Pay, tax, National Insurance, union dues, pension contributions, other deductions, gross and nett pay, checking you’re getting paid the right amount.
Monday 3 February, 6pm to 7.30pm
or email multiply@ea.edin.sch.uk

Pre-retirement planning

Pensions, tax, other plans. 
Monday 10 February 6pm to 7.30pm
 or email multiply@ea.edin.sch.uk

Evening numeracy classes

How confident do you feel about maths learning? How confident do you feel about supporting your child’s maths? If the answer is ‘Not very’ then our FREE adult maths class is for you.
Tuesdays 5.30pm to 7.30pm
How to book: Michelle Johnston, Lifelong learning Development Officer, michelle.johnston@ea.edin.sch.uk, 078543 302383.

In person courses

Thursday numeracy group

How confident do you feel about maths learning? How confident do you feel about supporting your child’s maths? If the answer is ‘Not very’ then our FREE adult maths class is for you.
Thursdays 2pm to 4pm, Leith Education Community Centre
How to book: Michelle Johnston, Lifelong learning Development Officer, michelle.johnston@ea.edin.sch.uk, 078543 302383.

Supporting Children’s Numeracy Learning

Saturday 30 November, 10am to 1pm, St Thomas of Acquin’s High School

This course is aimed at parents of nursery and primary aged children and includes

  • maths anxiety, what it is and how to recognise it in yourself and others, coping strategies and a growth mindset
  • supporting early years and primary school number skills at home
  • common difficulties in primary school, 8 times table, telling the time, fractions decimals and percentages.

To sign up please contact multiply@ea.edin.sch.uk