
Local air quality management

Screening air quality

We screen, assess and manage local air quality to meet national standards. If needed, we make a detailed assessment for any pollutant that might go above prescribed levels. We may declare an air quality management area (AQMA) for an area in which we plan to reduce the level of pollutants.

Download air quality management reports (PDFs)
Download our air quality action plan (PDF - 3 MB)
Download AQMA maps (PDFs)
Download AQMA Amendments and Revocations (PDFs)

 View more data on the .

Nitrogen dioxide

We measure nitrogen dioxide (NO2) across the city each month using passive diffusion tubes. We publish this data in raw form. We use this to determine yearly NO2 concentrations.

Raw data should not be compared directly with air quality standards or used to infer anything about monthly levels at each site.

Download nitrogen dioxide data and guidance (PDFs)

Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 (CAFS2)

In July 2021 The Scottish Government published a new national air quality strategy ‘Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 – Towards a Better Place for Everyone’. It proposes actions to reduce air pollution and improve air quality for Scotland’s population and the environment.

Low emisson zone

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