The Local Authority Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2014 means that we have to publish
- the accounts of all our subsidiary bodies
- our audited annual accounts for the financial year
- any reports from the auditor that relate to the annual accounts.
Our audited annual accounts
Download our audited annual accounts and auditor reports (PDFs)
The current accounts show the financial position and performance of the Council and its related bodies to 31 March 2024.
A summary of the accounts is available which provides an overview of the audited annual accounts to 31 March.
Download our audited annual accounts summary (PDF)
For annual accounts for earlier years, please contact us using the details below.
Charitable Fund and Trusts
As the Finance and Resources Committee is the sole trustee for the Charitable Fund and Trusts, we are responsible for publishing their audited annual accounts.
Download the Charitable Fund and Trusts accounts and auditor reports (PDFs)
Our subsidiaries
- CEC Holdings Limited
- Transport for Edinburgh
- Edinbugh Living MMR LLP
- CEC Recovery Limited
Download the annual accounts for each of our subsidiaries (PDFs)
Our associates and joint ventures
- Lothian Valuation Joint Board
- Edinburgh Leisure
- Capital Theatres
- òòò½ÊÓƵntegration Joint Board
- Capital City Partnership Limited
The accounts for Lothian Valuation Joint Board, Edinburgh Leisure and Capital Theatres are available on the respective bodies’ websites.
Other organisations
We are also responsible for preparing the accounts for some other organisations.
- South East Scotland Transport Partnership (SEStran)
The accounts for SEStran are available on its website.
Professional Services Expenditure
On 29 October 2020, Finance and Resources Committee approved the award of a multi-lot framework agreement for the provision of Professional Services to support the Council’s technical services in delivering construction, maintenance and repair programmes. The framework consisted of 12 Lots with an estimated value to the Council of £95 million over a maximum four-year term. On 9 December 2021, Finance and Resources Committee approved the award of a multiple supplier Clerk of Works Framework at a total estimated value of £3m
A summary is avaiable of professional service expenditure for 2023-24, which shows total expenditure paid to each service provider, where payments exceed £2,500 across all Council services,
Download the Professional Services Expenditure report (PDF)