Our vision is for children, young people and their families in Edinburgh to be safe and protected from harm or risk of harm. In doing so, we share a collection of values and approaches such as
- promoting children’s rights
- supporting whole families
- developing trauma informed, preventative and responsive practice.
We have a lead responsibility for multi-agency child protection in Edinburgh. Child protection is everyone’s responsibility.
If you are worried about the safety or wellbeing of a child, in an emergency phone the Police on 999 or contact Social Care Direct or phone the Police on 101.
For further advice you can also contact national services like
0800 1111
Parentline Scotland
08000 28 22 33
NSPCC helpline
0808 800 5000
The Edinburgh Child Protection Committee is a partnership between organisations which develops, improves and puts in place the child protection strategy in Edinburgh.
We make sure services are always improving and learning about how best to protect children. We provide public information which helps keep children safe from harm.
Download committee documents (PDFs)
Members include senior staff from
- the City of Edinburgh Council
- NHS Lothian
- Police Scotland
- the voluntary sector and partner agencies.
To access the Multi-Agency Child Protection training calendar and explore other practice resources, please join the , where there is a wealth of additional information. In order to join, follow the instructions below:
- Register as a user of the knowledge hub
- Make a request to join Edinburgh's Child Protection Hub
- Once accepted you can explore the home page, events tab and library