
How you've shaped the plan

The plan is the result of many years of discussion with citizens and stakeholders including through

  • workshops
  • meetings
  • presentations
  • drop-in events
  • online survey.

We engaged alongside related projects, like the Choices for City Plan 2030, to make sure key strategies are working together. We’ll continue to involve you as individual strands of the plan progress.

We published a draft for consultation in January 2020. The draft plan set out over 50 policy measures which focused on

  • enhancing public transport
  • creating people friendly streets
  • planning sustainably for new developments
  • managing demand.

The draft policy measures received widespread support.

The plan has been informed by

  • your responses to the consultation
  • key Council priorities
  • how we can deliver each policy measure.

As of result of this, we have strengthened a few of the existing policy measures and add a few new policy measures where key aspects had not already been covered or where we needed to be clearer.

The Plan was updated in February 2024 as part of its biennial review schedule. This review was informed by a.We also consulted on the related ‘Future Streets’ project. Find out more about Future Streets.

The City Mobility Plan blue magnifying glass showing transport options