A foodbank provides emergency food support and is intended to support a household over a crisis period. They also provide personal hygiene items, as well as nappies and baby wipes.
Foodbank services usually operate on a referral basis. A small number are open access and some are for particular groups, such as, for families whose children attend a particular school.
To be referred to a foodbank, call the Social Welfare Fund support line on 01315295299. Schools, GPs, Social Workers and other support organisations can also make referrals to foodbanks.
The five churches that run a foodbank are:
- Bruntsfield Evangelical Church
- Wilson Memorial Church
- Granton Baptist Church
- Tron Kirk Gilmerton & Moredun Church
- Community Church Edinburgh
Call 07435338243. Email
The seven locations that run a foodbank are:
- Craigmillar Bristo Memorial Church. Call 07946628976.
- Broughton St Mary’s Parish Church, also offer money advise service. Call 07805204009.
- Clermiston St Andrew’s Church Buttercup Hall, also offer money advise service. Call 07794849945.
- Pilton Saint Margaret Mary, also offer money advise service. Call 07794850009.
- Prestonfield Priestfield Parish Church, also offer money advise service. Call 07933707819.
- South Queensferry The Priory Church, also offer money advise service. Call 07837532169.
- Grassmarket St Columba’s by the Castle, also offer money advise service. Call 07805203852.