
Council Tax bands

Council Tax bands charges 2025/ 2026

How much you pay depends on which band your house is in.

The Lothian Valuation Joint Board decides which band each home is in. If you disagree, you can 

Council Tax charge increase 2025/ 26

Councillors have agreed to a 8% increase across all Council Tax bands in 2025/ 26. 

Band Council Tax Water Sewerage Total
A £1,042.34 £185.28  £214.98 £1,442.60 
B £1,216.06 £216.16 £250.81 £1,683.03
C £1,389.79 £247.04 £286.64 £1,923.47
D £1,563.51 £277.92 £322.47 £2,163.90
E £2,054.28 £339.68 £394.13 £2,788.09
F £2,540.70 £401.44 £465.79 £3,407.93
G £3,061.87 £463.20 £537.45 £4,062.52
H £3,830.60 £555.84 £644.94 £5,031.38

Find out about the Council budget and key facts about the services we provide.

Water and waste water service charges 2025/ 26

Your Council Tax bill includes the charges for your water supply and waste water collection services from Scottish Water. These charges increase by 9.9% in 2025/ 2026.

Scotland’s water is vital to our everyday lives, and Scottish Water handles caring for it. Scottish Water is publicly owned, and they invest every penny into protecting the nation’s most precious resource. Scottish Water is owned by you, the Scottish public.

What your charges pay for

The charges you pay allow Scottish Water to operate and improve water and waste water services and infrastructure in communities across Scotland.

They apply to every household connected to the public water supply, the public waste water network, or both.

What your charges are based on

Your charges are based on the Council Tax Band for your home. They are on your Council Tax bill, even if you receive Council Tax Reduction. Some Council Tax exemptions and discounts will also apply to these charges, such as single occupancy or if you are a student.

More information about Scottish Water

View and download the  from the Scottish Water website. You can find out more about  on their website.

 for updates on essential information about water issues in your area.

Contact Scottish Water

You can email help@scottishwater.co.uk or call the customer helpline free 24/7 on 0800 077 8778.