
Leith Connections

Main project areas

The project area covers

  • Commercial Street
  • Great Junction Street 
  • Leith Links
  • Hawthornvale path to Seafield Road
  • Replacement of Lindsay Road Bridge

Delivering a more liveable neighbourhood

We have taken measures to reduce non-residential through traffic in the area but ensured that you can still access all properties and businesses by vehicle.

Reducing or slowing down traffic through the neighbourhood will

  • improve walking, wheeling and cycling conditions
  • provide a better street environment for all residents, businesses and visitors
  • create new places to meet friends, spend time and where children can play

Photo of woman and dog walking across the new street art and improvements to John's Place as part of Leith Connections.

We have made the following changes

  • a southbound bus lane on Shore
  • traffic filters to stop non residential motor vehicles or vehicles not visiting businesses, services or making deliveries travelling through the area. Vehicles can still access any residential and business address in the whole area
  • improved existing and created new community spaces
  • improved pavements by building out crossing points and dropped kerbs
  • pavement changes to remove street clutter
  • created new areas of on street artworks.
Photo of new dropped kerb and tactile paving as part of the Leith Connections project
Example of additional tactiles introduced at a crossing point

Foot of the Walk to Ocean Terminal

We will build a new active travel route from the Foot of the Walk to Ocean Terminal.

This will include

  • a protected cycle route
  • improved pavements
  • upgraded side street crossings
  • public space improvements
  • sustainable drainage features
  • new trees and plants

The current temporary layout at Sandport Place Bridge will be improved with new pavement surfaces and rain gardens with new planting.

The route will improve connections to the Water of Leith path and provide a key network link to the north of the city beyond the segregated cycle tracks built as part of the City Centre West to East Link and between Picardy Place and the Foot of the Walk.

August 2021. Following this, we advertised the required traffic and redetermination orders.  and objections to the redetermination orders were referred, as required, to the Scottish Government. The Scottish Government has now confirmed we can make all orders as advertised.

This part of the project was approved as part of the final business case for the Trams to Newhaven project.

We are currently in the process of appointing a contractor to undertake the works which will start in 2024.

Businesses can read our Business Support Guide during major construction work to help get ready for the works.

Image of how the Shore and Henderson Street junction can look in the future
Visualisation of Shore and Henderson Street junction
Image of how the cycle path on Great Junction Street can look in the future
Visualisation of Great Junction Street

Hawthornvale to Seafield

We are planning public realm improvements and an active travel route between the Hawthornvale Path in the west and Seafield shared use path in the east.

This new route would go along Lindsay Road, Commercial Street, Bernard Street and Salamander Street. This part of the project contributes to delivery of the Local Development Plan Action Programme. It will support new residential development in the Leith area. New infrastructure is needed to provide safe and high quality active travel routes to enable more people to travel in sustainable ways.

We have recently been awarded further to continue design and community engagement on these proposals.

Picture of proposal for new cycle path in Salamander Street
Visualisation of Salamander Street
Vision of  walking and cycling improvements in Bernard Street
Visualisation of Bernard Street

Lindsay Road Bridge

Lindsay Road Bridge connects North Fort Street and Lindsay Road and originally carried vehicular traffic over the North Leith branch of the Caledonian Railway. In recent years it has been a pedestrian and cycle bridge over the Hawthornvale Path forming an important link for walking, wheeling and cycling in the Newhaven area.

The bridge is 85 years old and approaching the end of its functional life. It was closed in December 2021 due to its condition and the resulting immediate health and safety risk.

Following preparation of a feasibility study we now have funding from Transport Scotland through Sustrans to complete the design of a replacement bridge deck and deliver it as part of the Leith Connections project. This will further improve connections around the area.

We asked for people's views on the proposed designs for the bridge.

Further details will be published here as the design progresses.

Picture of view of Lindsay Road Bridge from Hawthornvale path
View of Lindsay Road Bridge from Hawthornvale Path
Leith Connections logo

Contact the team

Email us with any questions or comments.