
Not enough parking spaces for permit holders in Zone 6 - Petitions (Invalid)

Petition details
There is not enough space for permit holders within zone 6 of Edinburgh.
Residents within zone 6 are having difficulty finding parking. There is an imbalance between "Pay & Display" bays and "Permit Holders Only" bays. It has also been admitted by a member of the council that too many parking permits were issued for zone 6 last year.

As paying permit holders in zone 6 we believe we should be able to make use of the service that we have paid for.

We would welcome reduction of a proportion of the "Pay & Display" bays in zone 6 and an increase in "Permit Holders Only" bays in their place.

As Edinburgh council is currently the 3rd most expensive council for parking permits in the UK (Esure 2016) we believe this request is within our right as paying customers to Edinburgh council.
Petition status
Invalid in terms of paragraph 1 (2) of our petitions criteria as it relates to a matter already being considered or scheduled to be considered by the Council or a committee.
Petition submitted by (Business or Individual)
Name of petitioner
Mr James Montgomery