DUMBRYDEN GARDENSFrom MURRAYBURN ROAD south to No.17 then north-east south-east then north-west - a cul-de-sac with turning head and 2 short spurs serving No.s 74-67 and 63-66 respectively. Including : layby and end-on parking and short branch south to Drumbryden Drive; cul-de-sac branch west & south serving No.s 48-58; from between No.s 19-37 south to No.28 branching west & east with spur east opposite No.19 including all parking & turning heads. Carriageways and adjacent footways adopted for maintenance.Not as yet including prospectively adoptable road from between No.s1-17 south, west, north and east in a loopwith spur north-west. Including all parking in loop. Excluding: 2 parking areas outside No.s 65 & 74; all parking on the branch serving No.s48-58;