
Planning decisions guidance

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Renewal of consent or change to conditions (s42)

You can apply to review your planning permission before it expires or to change conditions associated with it. In these cases, only certain requirements on content of applications apply:

  • Applications must be in writing and shall give sufficient information to identify the previous grant of planning permission.
  • The appropriate fee must be paid.
  • A land ownership certificate must be submitted.
  • If the application is a national or major development, a pre-application consultation is required but not for changes to conditions.
  • Where the application relates to the relaxation of conditions under S42 of the Planning Act, a statement to that effect is required.

The proposal will be assessed against the development plan and if the policy position has changed, the application may be refused or new conditions and planning obligations applied. If approved, a new consent is issued.

Listed Building Consent and Advertisement Consent cannot be renewed and new applications must be made for these if the time limit has expired. Conditions of listed building consent can be amended.

Variation of planning permission

Applications may be varied after they are granted provided there is not a substantial change in the description of the development. In these cases, a new application for planning permission will be required.

A non-material variation essentially means that the proposed changes to a development will not significantly alter the scheme that was originally granted planning permission. Non-material variations are dealt with under delegated powers to planning officers. 

Apply for a non-material variation.

Listed Building Consent and Advertisement Consent cannot be varied and new applications may be required

Conditions monitoring

Any conditions attached to your consent need to be met. Some of these need to be discharged before the development commences. Failure to do so may render your development unlawful in planning terms.

Please provide details of the conditions you intend to discharge to your case officer.

Planning Obligations (previously known as S75 agreements)

You can . Where the planning authority cannot agree the modification or discharge, there is a right of appeal to Scottish Ministers.

Building Warrants and other permissions

The granting of planning permission or listed building consent does not give you approval in terms of other statutory requirements, nor does it remove the need from obtaining, where required, the approval of the Council as building authority or any other necessary approval.

You must have all other necessary consents, including land ownership rights, before commencing work.

Find out more about other permissions you may need.