
Support for people being abused or who have experienced abuse in the past

Council support

Below you will find Council support contact details.

Emergency Social Work service

Offers support and advice to anyone who is suffering or feels at risk of domestic abuse

0800 731 6969.

Family and Household support

Offers help to residents who need support with their day to day lives. From health and wellbeing to parenting, neighbour disputes to welfare benefits, the team will assess your needs and put you in touch with the right services.

  • South East 0131 529 5123
  • South West 0131 469 5150
  • North East 0131 529 7168
  • North West 0131 529 5014

Housing and Homelessness

  • South East 0131 529 5151
  • South West 0131 527 3800
  • North East 0131 529 311
  • North West 0131 529 5050

Housing Options team

Our Housing Options team can improve access to social housing for victims of domestic abuse and help those who are planning to move, by providing various housing options as part of a solution for escaping an abusive relationship. The team also supports those who may be experiencing domestic abuse and already live in social housing provided by the Council as the social landlord.

The service works in a partnership with registered social landlords, Edinburgh Women’s Aid and Police Scotland.

0131 529 7368

If you are currently homeless or at risk of becoming homeless in the next 56 days, you can book a housing options appointment by phoning us on

0131 529 7036

0131 529 7125.

We are available

  • Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm
  • Friday 8.30am to 3.40pm.

We can

  • try to stop you losing your home
  • advise you on housing options
  • contact other agencies to help you.

We strive to offer you an appointment within 14 days of your first contact.

If you have significant support needs, you can .

Out of hours

Our emergency out of hours service can be contacted on

0800 032 5968.

Social Care Direct

Offers support and advice to anyone who is suffering or feels at risk of domestic abuse

0131 200 2324.

Domestic Abuse service

Delivers a programme for men who are unhappy about their abusive behaviour towards a woman partner or ex-partner and want help to change. They provide a support, safety planning and advocacy service to the women partners and ex-partners of men who attend the programme

0131 469 5325.

The Access Place: Homeless support for people with support needs

The Homelessness team within the Access Place offers the same service as homelessness teams within the localities, but only for people who have significant support needs, are over the age of 16 and who are not responsible for the care of a child or children. Significant support needs include:

  • Mental health issues
  • Alcohol use
  • Drug use
  • Learning difficulties
  • Acquired brain injury
  • Behavioural issues
  • Suffering from sexual or physical abuse

Some people may be trying to manage more than one of the above at any one time.

The Access Place is open Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 9am to 5pm, Tuesday 10am to 5pm and Friday 9am to 4pm. The office is closed daily between 1pm and 2pm.

The Access Place
6 South Grays Close

0131 529 5015 (option 2)

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