
Family activities in your local area

South East

Do you know which locality you live in?

For help finding local supports and activities, find your locality using .

Gilmerton Community Centre Stay and Play 

This informal group runs on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10.30 am to 12 pm and Fridays from 9.30 am to 11 am for children aged nought to five years and their carer. Hot drinks and snacks are provided, and if able a small donation is encouraged. Booking for the sessions opens each Monday at 2 pm, book via  

Gilmerton Community Centre 
4 Drum Street 
EH17 8QG 

For more information contact gcctoddlers123@gmail.com

Stay and Play

A free drop-in stay-and-play for children under three years of age and their parents/carers. Enjoy playing, arts and crafts, songs and stories. Tea and coffee for adults will be provided. The group runs on Wednesdays from 10 am to 11.15 am during term time at  

Goodtrees Neighbourhood Centre 
5 Moredunvale Place  
EH17 7LB 

For more information contact  

0739 467 8190 

Home-Start Stay and Play 

Home Start’s Stay and Play is for parents, carers and children aged nought to three years. Enjoy play, crafts, songs and stories. Self-referrals are welcome although priority will be given to referrals from partner agencies. The group runs every Wednesday from 10:30 AM to 12 PM during term time at 

Valley Park Community Centre  
37 Southouse Road  
EH17 8EU 

For more information visit the Home Link Family Support website or contact 


Baby Senses

A free drop-in for children aged nought to 18 months and their parents/carers. Enjoy nursery rhymes, sensory play, stories and more. A space to connect with other parents and carers. The group runs every Monday from 11.30 am to 12.30 pm at 

Valley Park Community Centre 
37 Southhouse Road 
EH17 8EU 

For more information contact 

0131 661 0890 

Messy Church at Liberton Kirk   

Activities for young families to enjoy together. All children aged nought to 11 years are welcome, sessions provide a fun time involving crafts, games and mess including songs, story, prayer drama and a meal together. No pre-booking is needed, but if you’re a child you’ll need to bring an adult, and if you’re an adult you’ll need to bring a child. There is no charge, but donations are welcome. Sessions run on the last Saturday of the month from 4 pm to 6 pm at 

Liberton Kirk 
EH16 6RX 

For more information visit the Messy Church at or contact  

0131 664 8264 

Peep Toddlers Learning Together sessions 

Peep Learning Together sessions are run by Lifelong Learning for parents and carers and their babies and toddlers in South East Edinburgh. Peep sessions share simple ways of supporting your child’s learning and development in everyday life, whilst connecting with others. You can make a real difference by just talking, singing, sharing books and playing together. You and your child can make friends, have fun and share ideas. Toddler peep sessions for parents and children will run on Fridays from 9.30 am to 10.30 am at   

Valley Park Community Centre 
37 Southhouse Road 
EH17 8EU 

For more information contact  


07845 015 973 


Supporting parents and carers

We hope you can find the information you need, if you require help finding supports email us at