
Home care costs

How much will you pay

You will pay the full hourly rate for the chargeable hours if your savings and investments are greater than £29,750.

You will pay up to an assessed amount for your chargeable hours if you have less than £29,750.

To work out the assessed amount we

  • total your weekly income
  • add £1 per week for every £500 of savings and investments you have over £10,000
  • take away your weekly expenses and personal allowance
  • apply a sliding scale to the remaining monies,  30% of the first £20, 50% of the second £20 and 70% of the rest. The total of these is called your assessed weekly charge.

You  will have to fill in the financial assessment form to tell us about your income and savings.

You will pay the hourly rate for your chargeable hours up to your assessed weekly charge.

You will not pay if your assessed weekly charge is nil.

Example 1
You will be charged £38.70 per week if your assessed charge is £42.50 and you receive 2 hours of chargeable services at £19.35 per hour.

Example 2
You will be charged £30.00 per week if your assessed charge is £30.00 and you receive 4 hours of chargeable services at £19.35 per hour.

Example 3
You will not pay if you assessed charge is nil and you receive 4 hours of chargeable services at £19.35 per hour.

Any breaks in your care

You will not be charged for services

  • you have not received, for example if a care worker does not come for one visit
  • if you have gone into hospital or a care home on a temporary or emergency basis.

You will be charged for services if you have given less than one week's notice, unless it is an exceptional circumstance, for example being admitted to hospital.

Reviewing your charges

Your charges will be reviewed every year, or if your service is changed. You must tell us if your income or expenses change. You can request to have your charges reviewed at any time.