
Support for children at primary school

Befriending and Mentoring


Lots of children and young people have enjoyed the support of a befriender. Normally a befriender is an adult who will meet with you regularly to get to know you and do activities together.  A befriender can help you to become more confident and get involved with activities that you are interested in.  


Mentoring can help you to set and meet specific goals. These can be for things like school, friendships or for when you leave school like training or employment. The mentor will help you to set goals and develop skills to achieve them.

Mentoring services match you with a mentor, sometimes this will be based on the things you are interested in. Often mentors are adults but sometimes they can also be older young people.

Big Hearts Kinship Befriending   

Kinship care is when you are not living with your parents but live with and are cared for by another adult in your family like an Aunt, Uncle, Grandparent, Sister or family friend.

Big Hearts provides 1:1 befriending for children and young people aged 5-16 years old who live in kinship care.   

³Õ¾±²õ¾±³Ù t³ó±ð  for more information or contact jane@bighearts.org.uk  or call 07809 904 228   

Space@ Broomhouse Hub Youth Befriending  

Space for Youth Befriending offers support to children and young people aged between 5 - 16 years who have experienced drug and/or alcohol use by parents or live in kinship care.

Kinship care is when you are not living with your parents but live with and are cared for by another adult in your family like an Aunt, Uncle, Grandparent, Sister or family friend.

For more information visit  or contact  admin@spacescot.org  or call 0131 455 7731 

Firsthand Lothian Mentoring

If you have a disability or have a brother or sister with a disability Firsthand Lothian can help you to identify and achieve personal goals with help from one of their mentors.

They offer support to children and young people up to 16 years old. The mentor will support you one-on-one to get out of your house and do things you enjoy.

For more information, email info@firsthand-lothian.org.uk or call 0131 523 1322  

Positive Help Befriending Service  

HIV and Hepatitis C are serious health issues. It can be really hard living with others who are coping with these illnesses.

If you are aged between 5-18 years and living with an adult who has HIV or Hepatitis C Positive Help Befriending gives you support and time-out to do things you enjoy. The befrienders understand how difficult it is living with HIV or Hepatitis C and will help you to have fun activities to support your wellbeing.

For more information visit the , email admin@positivehelpedinburgh.co.uk  or call 0131 225 4766 

Intandem Mentoring - YMCA Edinburgh

Intandem offers mentoring to children and young people who are care experienced aged between 8 and 14. This means they do not live with their parents or have lots of support from Social Workers. This can also include children who are looked after by someone else in your family like a brother, sister or grandparent. Intandem matches you with a mentor who will meet you regularly to get to know you, spend time doing fun activities together and offer you support when you feel you might need extra help or just someone to listen. As well as time with your mentor, there are regular group activities available and the support is really flexible- some people have been meeting with their mentor every week for years whilst others might just feel meeting every couple of weeks for a few months is enough.

Visit the  for more information or to make a referral contact dawn@ymcaedinburgh.com call 0131 553 7877