
Videos to support wellbeing for parents and carers

Digital wellbeing

Managing social media and screen time positively

Internet Matters is a great source of advice and resources for parents and carers who want to support their children to develop positive habits around use of devices and screen time.

We suggest reviewing

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. Find out all about device safety for your child and help them to have positive experiences online. Whether they're getting a device for the first time, starting out on social media or making the leap to secondary school, they've got advice for you.

Created as part of Thrive Online, these videos are designed to support parents and carers of young people aged 11 and over with additional support needs to start conversations about digital wellbeing.

We think these short videos are helpful for all parents or carers when their children start using devices. Childnet’s website has more .

What is digital wellbeing?

How can I help my child look after their digital wellbeing?

What to do if my child see’s something upsetting online?

How can I stop my child spending too much time online?

My child keeps comparing themselves to others online – what can I do?

How can I help my child realise everything online is not real?