Local Housing Strategy 2025-30
Producing a Local Housing strategy is a statutory requirement for all Scottish local authorities.
We would like to hear your views on the draft Local Housing Strategy.
Read Edinburgh’s Local Housing Strategy 2025-30 draft
The draft strategy sets out the vision for all types of housing and housing-related services in Edinburgh for the coming years. It considers key challenges and opportunities for housing in Edinburgh and will help shape plans and investment. The draft strategy includes an action plan and, once finalised, progress will be reported annually.
Have your say
Edinburgh has the fastest growing population in Scotland and a housing sector facing big challenges. It is important we have a strong housing strategy that is shaped by the views of our citizens and partner organisations.
We listened to your views and they have helped to create the new strategy.
An initial survey ran for six weeks from May to June 2024 to find out what people's key housing priorities are for Edinburgh. Thank you to the 324 individuals and 21 organisations that responded. The results are now available.
Read the results of the initial LHS consultation survey
We also carried out further consultation and engagement throughout June to October 2024. Thank you to the 550 people who participated in the workshops, meetings and discussions. You can now read the draft consultation and engagement report.
Read the Consultation and Engagement Report draft
Developing the strategy
Responses to the initial survey from May to June 2024 and the further consultation and engagement have helped to shape the draft strategy.
The draft strategy will be available for review and comment for 8 weeks from 26 February to 22 April. Our aim to incorporate feedback and finalise Edinburgh’s Local Housing Strategy in May 2025