
Low Emission Zone (LEZ) boundary

Installing the LEZ

Last updated 29 April 2024LEZ entry sign showing LEZ in a green circle with a symbol of a camera and the words low emission zone and exemptions apply

We have made changes to some streets to help people plan their journeys as we enforce the low emission zone (LEZ) from 1 June 2024.

Installing signs and number plate recognition cameras

We have installed signs at entry points to mark the LEZ. We have also installed automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras around the zone. We will use a mobile enforcement vehicle.

We have a zero tolerance policy to people who damage any public property. This includes LEZ

  • signage
  • columns
  • power supplies
  • ANPR cameras
  • ANPR vehicles.

We also will not tolerate anyone who harasses, assaults or other criminal behaviour against the teams that are installing LEZ infrastructure or operating the LEZ. We will work with Police Scotland to prosecute anyone acting unlawfully.

Changes to street layouts

We have made minor changes to street layouts and signals around the LEZ boundary. These changes include:

  • making Morrison Street two-way to all traffic from the Morrison Link and Morrison Street junction to the Dewar Place and Morrison Street junction 
  • adding a right hand turn from Morrison Link to Morrison Street eastbound and changing the signal
  • changing signals and improving pedestrian crossing at the junction of Morrison Street, Gardners’ Cresent and Dewar Place. This includes
    • wider footways
    • removing guard railing
    • adding cycle parking and planters
  • creating continuous pavements at St David’s Place and St David’s Terrace on Morrison Street
  • traffic will not be able to turn left from Morrison Street westbound to Gardner's Crescent. This will give more time for ‘green man’ so that pedestrians going east to west have priority
  • allowing traffic to turn right from Home Street to Brougham Street at Tollcross junction
  • a new right turn filter from the Pleasance to Holyrood Road.