
Blue Badge at risk criteria

Extending the Blue Badge scheme

In 2013, Transport Scotland looked to see whether a new group of people should qualify for a Blue Badge. Some people with a diagnosed mental disorder are not aware of danger from traffic, so Transport Scotland thought a Blue Badge might be helpful for them. This is called "At Risk" criteria.


To qualify for a Blue Badge, the applicant must

  • be at least three years old
  • have a diagnosed mental disorder or cognitive impairment
  • have a letter to confirm this diagnosis.

As well as this, a healthcare professional (not your GP) or a registered social worker must complete Section 3 of the Blue Badge form to confirm that the person meets the definition.

Some applicants will also need an assessment.  Providing information about the social security benefits you receive will help the local authority make a full assessment of your application. 

Application Form For Printing

Unfortunately applications for this criteria are currently not available online.  Please print a copy of the application form using the link below :

Blue badge at risk application form

Travel concessions

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