
Find parking bays

Use our interactive map below to find the hourly price of parking in the area (outlined in black) which you plan to visit.

Within some areas, you might find a small number of parking bays (outlined in blue) where parking is available for the full 9 hours at a rate of £1.00 per hour, up to £8.00 for 8 hours or £10.20 for the maximum stay of 9 hours.

Use the address search (the magnifiying glass icon in the top-right of the map); to view the price of the area you are planning to visit. If you hold a blue badge these prices do not apply. See our Blue Badge page for details.

To view the location of parking bays, zoom in to see more detail.  Parking bays are displayed in different colours. The types of parking bays on the map are

  • buses only parking bays (orange)
  • car club parking bays (green)
  • disabled person’s parking place (sky blue)
  • loading bays (yellow)
  • motorcycles parking bays (dark blue box with purple infill)
  • resident permit parking bays (pink)
  • parking on greenways routes (red)
  • parking tariffs area (beige)
  • pay and display parking bays (blue)
  • shared use parking bays (brown)

Although we make every attempt to ensure the accuracy of this map, please also check local signage in case of changes.

Zoom in to see the bays on the map.  

Parking Services