
Strategic parking review

Information for Zone S6

Work in the eastern part of Zone S6 - S6(E) - was completed towards the end of last year, with controls going live on 20 November 2023. The western part of the proposed parking zone was not implemented at this time to allow for additional monitoring of parking pressures to be undertaken.

That monitoring has now been completed and after discussions with Ward Councillors, it has been agreed that the Council will proceed with Area 1 and Area 2 of the remaining zone, as shown in the map linked to below. The Council will not be proceeding with the controls proposed in Area 3 or Area 4 at this trime, with these areas subject to further monitoring.

Zone S6 map

The Council will be writing to all affected residents and businesses to inform them of the proposed lining and signing works and to provide further key information on the new parking controls and project timescales.

Works to implement the new controls in Area 1 and Area 2 are expected to start towards the end of September 2024.

Further information relating to the works programme, permit sales and all associated timescales will be provided on these web pages once details have been finalised.

S6 Monitoring Results

This table shows the difference in parking levels within each of the different areas of the western part of Zone S6. The figures show the percentage of available parking space occupied at the time of each survey.

While parking pressures have increased in all four area, areas 1 and 2 experienced the greatest increase.

  Before During After
Area August 2023 October 2023 November 2023 March 2024



1 88.15% 96.53% 99.71% 90.75% +11.56%
2 77.48% 76.98% 79.95% 88.37% +10.89%
3 47.68% 50.66% 45.03% 52.98% +5.3%
4 54.6% 57.5% 56% 62.1% +7.5%

This table shows where Areas 1 and Area 2 would sit in the overall prioritised list of areas, with Area 1 placing 2nd out of the 124 areas surveyed and Area 2 placing 5th.

Rank Area




Percentage of Roads

by Parking Pressure Level

Recommendation Investigation Area
      High Medium Low    
1 Leith Walk 92 91% 9% 0% CPZ 3
  S6 Area 1 90.75          
2 Roseburn 90 91% 9% 0% CPZ 1
3 Shandon 89 92% 8% 0% CPZ 2
  S6 Area 2 88.37          
4 Abbeyhill 86 91% 5% 5% CPZ 3
5 Willowbrae North 85 94% 6% 0% CPZ 3
6 B8 80 67% 33% 0% CPZ 2

Leith Walk, Abbeyhill and Shandon are now part of the Contolled Parking Zones, with Roseburn and Abbeyhill being part of the Phase 2 proposals.