
One million tree city

Project news: Winter 2021-2022

In this update

Official launchLaunch of million trees project

The official project launch event took place on 13 October 2021 at Lauriston Castle gardens and the occasion and milestone was marked by planting of a Ginkgo tree. The Lord Provost with the Convenor of Culture and Communities Committee planted a Ginkgo tree donated by Edinburgh Royal Botanical Gardens.

After the planting ceremony, there was a guided tour of the gardens conducted by volunteers from the Friends of Lauriston Castle Gardens. Another Ginkgo tree was planted in the Lauriston Japanese Garden by the Chairman of the Friends. 

Edinburgh Awarded Queen’s Green Canopy “Champion City”

We were success in applying for Queen’s Green Canopy “Champion City” status to mark The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

In early March 2022, a launch event was organised in partnership with Edinburgh and Lothians Greenspace Trust and Trees for Cities. It was held at Stenhouse, in the greenspace on Broomhouse Drive adjacent to the Saughton Tram Station. We are grateful to the 53 adults and 26 children who generously volunteered to plant over 1,200 trees at the event.

Trees planted in Winter 2021 to 2022

We reported to the Culture and Communities Committee on 26 April, on the numbers of trees planted in the Winter season 2021 to 2022. This is on target for reaching a million trees by 2030. 

A total of 25,230 trees have been planted already. The number of trees planted by landownership are

  • Council
    • parks - 4,791 (19% of total trees to plant by 2030)
    • open-spaces and housing -1,570 (6% of total trees to plant by 2030)
    • on streets - 1,570 (1% of total trees to plant by 2030)
    • schools - 422 (2% of total trees to plant by 2030)
    • Natural Heritage service - 4,647 (18% of total trees to plant by 2030)
  • Private estates - 13,400 (53% of total trees to plant by 2030)
  • Universities and colleges - 53 (0.2% of total trees to plant by 2030).
Tree planting completed this winter at Silverknowes Park
Tree planting at Silverknowes
Tree planting completed this winter at Redford Wood - Colinton Primary School
Tree planting at Redwood park
Tree planting completed this winter in wee forests funded by NatureScot and Earthwatch UK
West Pilton Park

Tree planting in West Pilton wee forest

Peacocktail Park

Tree planting at Peacocktail wee forest

Mount Vernon

Tree planting at Mount Vernon wee forest

Planting Programme for winter season 2022 to 2023

We have tree planting plans in many locations which progressing through design and consultation stages for next winter planting season, starting in October 2022. This includes

  • Burdiehouse Valley Park
  • Drylaw Park
  • Gypsy Brae Park
  • Braidburn Park
  • Braid Hills
  • Colinton Mains Park
  • Gyle Park
  • Water of Leith – Fords Road to Lanark Road
  • Bonaly Country Park
  • Wee Forests in the Gyle Park and Granton Crescent Park.
  • Greenspaces and gardens in Pilton and Drylaw Council housing estates.

Million tree project team

Contact us for more information about the project or to find out about tree planting