
Gritting, snow and ice

How to use a grit bin

There are over 3,000 grit bins across the city for people to use on paths, pavements and roads.

Remember, gritting only works before it starts snowing or ice forms. It won’t melt or thaw pre-existing snow or ice.

Use our map to find your nearest grit bin or view a list of streets with grit bins.

Using a grit bin

  1. Use the map to find your nearest grit bin.
  2. Next, you’ll need a container and gloves and might want to use something to scoop and spread the grit, like a trowel.
  3. Make sure you’re wearing warm clothes and footwear with a good grip.
  4. Open the bin and scoop out a generous portion of the grit mixture into your container.
  5. If the bin is empty, damaged or missing report it on our website
  6. Use your hands or something like a trowel to evenly distribute small amounts of the grit across the pavement, path or road.

Don’t forget to check on your neighbours to see if they need any help gritting their paths.

Please report any empty, damaged or missing grit bins.


Food waste being collected

Bin collections during bad weather

Find out how the weather might affect your collections