
Street names and numbering fees

The below fees are valid from 1 April 2024.

Numbering properties and naming streets

  • Naming a new street - £317
  • Numbering of 1 property - £71
  • Numbering of 2 to 5 properties - £148
  • Numbering of 6 to 10 properties - £204
  • Numbering of 11 to 25 properties - £270
  • Numbering of 26 to 50 properties - £439
  • Numbering of 51 to 100 properties - £672
  • Numbering of 101 to 150 properties - £1,250
  • Numbering of 151 to 200 properties - £1,500
  • Numbering of over 200 properties - £1,670
  • Advert fee (renaming) - £340
  • Renumbering of application subsequent to issue of statutory notices - £184

Address confirmation

  • Official confirmation of single addess to solicitors, occupiers, owners including a statutory notice copy if available - £50
  • Confirmation of development addresses and map and schedule of development addresses where available - £101

Street sign costs for new developments

  • Wall fixing - £450
  • Freestanding - £450
  • No through road wall fixing - £450
  • No through road free standing - £450