
View or comment on traffic orders

View first stage consultations

. At this stage only comments are invited.

If you do wish to comment, please respond before the end date shown in each order. It may not be possible to consider the content of any correspondence received after those dates.

Please note that some of our downloads might not be accessible - please contact us if you need help trafficorders@edinburgh.gov.uk.

Order number



End date

View details

TRO/23/19 Various Roads

Proposed introduction, amendment, and removal of waiting restrictions, loading prohibitions and parking places

27 September 2024 View TRO/23/19
TRO/24/24 Various Roads Proposed Amendments to waiting and loading restrictions/prohibitions and parking places 11 October 2024 View TRO/24/24


Comment on an order

Contact us using the details below.

To comment on one of the above orders please provide: 

  • the order number
  • your email address
  • your full name and postal address.

We will use the information you submit when deciding whether to proceed to advertise the order. We may publish comments within internal and committee reports. All Committee reports are available online under the Local Government Access to Information Act. Where possible, responses will be anonymised before publication.

Download our traffic order privacy notice - PDF for information about how we will

  • use
  • store
  • dispose

your data and your rights.

Traffic orders general enquiries

For comments or objections to advertised orders

Address: Traffic Orders
3.3 Waverley Court
4 East Market Street