
Financial support

Help with employment, training and childcare

One Parent Families Scotland

One Parent Families Scotland is the leading charity working with single-parent families in Scotland. They provide expert advice, and practical support and campaign with parents to make their voices heard to change the systems, policies and attitudes that disadvantage single-parent families. They work with and for single-parent families, providing support services that enable them to achieve their potential and help create lasting solutions to the poverty and barriers facing many single parents and their children. For support please visit the  or contact the Lone Parent helpline on

08088 010 323

Childcare Connector service

This service is provided by One Parent Family Scotland and can assist parents in identifying childcare options such as a nursery, childminder, school clubs and also information about financial support. It can be challenging to combine work or education with parenting responsibilities.

This service aims to overcome these barriers by supporting parents to navigate different types of childcare and available financial support. By having the right childcare, parents can reach their goals, achieve financial independence and take an equal part in the community. This service is available to single parents residing in Edinburgh. For more information contact

For more information and to self-refer contact referrals.edinburgh@opfs.org.uk


07810 850 830

Parental Employability Support 

The Parental Employability Support (PES) team assists parents in accessing the support needed to have stability to focus on individual employment goals. The PES team offer one-to-one support with a range of challenges such as money and benefits advice, housing, parenting and family support, health and well-being, education, training and employability.

To be eligible for support you need to be a parent and fit into one of the following groups:

  • Lone Parent
  • Parent or child with a disability
  • Parent of three or more children
  • Parent from a minority ethnic background
  • Parent of a child under one year of age
  • Parents under 25 years of age

For more information visit the  or contact


0131 529 2482

Visit  for other employability services.

Volunteering in sports and activities  

Active schools help children access active opportunities that support them to have fun, get active and spend time with other children and young people. Their mission is to get children and secondary pupils more active. Being active improves the Health and well-being of people of all ages. There are lots of opportunities to volunteer with active schools which is a great opportunity to build skills and gain experience working with children and in sports activities.  

 to find out more about active schools and the benefits of volunteering with them. For more information contact  


Making Work Work - for women returners

Making Work Work is a free five-week online programme, funded by the Scottish Government. The programme supports women over 25 years of age who have had a career break of six months or more to get back into ‘work that works’ around all the commitments and fun of life. The programme is aimed at women with management or leadership experience or aspirations, it offers a refresher on management content as well as practical matters such as preparing a CV. Participants are matched with a mentor, are invited to masterclasses and have access to an ever-growing network of women across Scotland.

For more information visit the

Job Start payment

This is a one-off payment of £314.45 available to young people in Scotland who are on certain benefits and need help with the costs of starting a new job. If the person has a child, they could get £503.10. A person must meet all of the criteria below to be eligible:

  • are 16 to 24 years old; or are a care leaver aged 16 to 25 years
  • live in Scotland on the day of the job offer
  • have a job offer for paid employment
  • the job must average 12 hours or more per week, over a four-week period.
  • It doesn’t need to be a permanent job
  • Be out of paid work and in receipt of a qualifying benefit for six months or more, or if a care leaver is out of paid work and in receipt of a qualifying benefit at the time of the job offer (care leavers do not need to receive a qualifying benefit for six months).

To apply online visit the or to complete the application over the phone or request a paper application form call freephone

08001 822 222

Supporting parents and carers

We hope you can find the information you need, if you require help finding supports email us at