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Community Council Together on Tram (CCTT) Deputation Questions at 12 December 2024 Transport and Environment Committee

Responses to questions raised by CCTT at 12 December 2024 Transport and Environment Committee

1. What are the 31 defects?


2. What are classed as major fefects and potentially impact on tram operations? 

Out of the remaining defects, three of these can be classed as “major” due to the nature of these, and relate to rail welds, crossover points and overhead catenary. Any costs associated with these defects will be part of the Trams to Newhaven budget and we are working with the contractor and Edinburgh Tram to resolve these issues and minimise disruption to Tram Operations

3. RSA Stage 3

Of the 140+ items raised 45 have been accepted and rectified by the contractor, and a further 63 have been accepted by CEC as out with contractor scope. Of those 63 we have implemented 25 on street with the rest due to be monitored and taking forward within the Stage 4 RSA. Only 36 have not been accepted with no further action proposed. The response report to the Stage 3 Audit and the full Stage 3 Audit report can be found on this website in the 'Documents' section.  The RSA Stage 4 is due to take place in summer 2025 to ensure a minimum of 12 months collisions/incident data has been gathered. 

4. Complete Snagging List

At Transport and Environment Committee on 12 December 2024, it was agreed to discuss in detail with elected members and CCTT all outstanding works/defects and to develop a programme of works to have these rectified. However, at a recent meeting held with CCTT it was apparent that there is a number of discrepancies between what was to be delivered as part of the project scope and what residents, businesses and elected members feel should have been delivered. As such,  a comprehensive review of the entire route  is being undertaken to identify contractual defects but also concerns raised by residents businesses and elected members, Once this has been completed it will be shared with CCTT and locally elected members to confirm this is the final list of works associated with Trams to Newhaven. Following completion of the above, these issues will then go through a prioritisation exercise and a work programme developed.

5. Descoped Items
to Transport and Environment Committee.  

6. Two Year Defect period

The defect period was split into two (public realm and Infrastructure). The public realm was reduced to one year to reflect that the public realm was opened prior to tram operations in June 2023 and infrastructure was 2 years from tram operations to make sure we cover liability on systems and tram infrastructure.

7. Compromise on Width of Footways

Following the consultation on Leith Walk in 2018 it was agreed that a central reserve, parking and loading, and segregated cycling be installed and that there would be no change to public transport provision or private vehicles usage. The project has complied with the Edinburgh Street Design Guidance and only 240m of footways fall below 2.5m  along Leith Walk. No section within this 240m measures less than 1.5m. Any footpath below 2.5m is not ideal however the consultation responses resulted in compromises needing to be made.

8. Accessibility Commission
The project recently attended an Accessibiliy Commission meeting to discuss in detail concerns and issues along Leith Walk in particular,  specifically focusing on continuous footways and the interaction with tactile paving.
Changes will be made to the Dalmeny Street and Brunswick Street junctions as a result of discussions and monitoring of continuous footways along the route. Colleagues in Active Travel, who lead on the Edinburgh Street Design Guidance, continually review and update content on lessons learnt from projects.  

Published: 3rd February 2025