
Communal bin review

How we'll locate the bin hubs

When selecting bin hub locations, we consider the below points approved by the Transport and Environment committee. Feedback on proposed locations is welcome from residents and suggested alternative locations for a bin hub should meet this criteria.

  • Safety - we locate bins on the same side of the road as the properties intended to use them meaning people should not usually have to cross a road to access their bins. There are some exceptions to this which are listed on the 2023 and 2024 review frameworks linked below. Placing the bins on the opposite side of the road creates extra risk for people using the bins as well as for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers. We also aim to locate bins at least 10 metres from any junctions or crossing points to improve visibility for pedestrians and road users.
  • Walking distance – we aim to place bins where people should not normally have to walk more than 50 metres to use them although in some circumstances this can be extended to 120 metres.
  • Placement - we place bins on roads rather than pavements to reduce street clutter. If there are bins currently on a pavement nearby these will likely be removed when bin hubs are installed.
  • Full range of waste and recycling bins - each bin hub includes bins for non-recyclable waste, mixed recycling, glass recycling and food waste.
  • Capacity - each standard bin hub provides capacity for up to 55 nearby residential properties. This means residents can dispose of their household waste and recycling in the one location. In some streets, we may install a slightly larger bin hub to ensure sufficient capacity for all nearby residents. 
  • Collection frequency - some bins will be emptied more often to ensure residents have space to recycle. The non-recyclable and mixed recycling bins are emptied every other day, for example, every two days. The food waste is serviced weekly, and the glass recycling is collected every two weeks. Collection frequencies are kept under review to ensure we reduce the risk of overflowing bins and litter.
  • Amenity - bin hubs should be sited in locations which minimise any negative impacts on resident amenity (if at all possible), meaning specifically the impacts of noise and odours and the impacts on privacy and outlook. More detail is available on the 2024 review framework update linked below.

Find out more about the integrated impact assessment.

More information on the original parameters can be found in the . A revised framework for reviewing bin hub locations was approved at the . In November 2024, criteria used for siting bin hubs was further reviewed and approved by Transport and Environment Committee. The 2024 updated review framework includes all changes which were made.