
Community Grants Fund

Craigentinny and Duddingston

The total available for Craigentinny and Duddingston Community Grants Fund (CGF) in 2024/25 is £25,477.

There will be two deadlines for Craigentinny and Duddingston applicants this year

  • 20 May 2024

  • 26 August 2024.

Please submit your application early as it is first come first served and funds may run out early in the year.

You can find guidance and application form below. Please read this before applying to ensure that you meet the criteria.

Awards made in Round 1 (2024-25), leaving a balance of £9,746   

  • The Ripple - £1,500 (partial award) to support diversionary activities for young people.
  • Craigentinny-Lochend Social Centre - £1,797 to support games and equipment for the management committee supported youth club
  • Duddingston Conservation Society - £1,205 to support improvements to community garden.
  • Friends of Meadowfield Park - £3,000 (partial award) to support benches and tree planting.
  • Chief Radio - £1,200 to support musician visits to local care homes. 
  • Abbeyhill Parent Council - £3,000 (partial award) to support additional equipment and materials connected to the refurbishment of the old janitor’s house at the primary school.
  • Northfield Willowbrae Community Council - £2,559 to support a community fair and local place plan engagement sessions.
  • 14th North Edinburgh Scouts - £1,470 to support camp trips for local scout group

How we assess applications

We check every CGF application for eligibility. We will get back to you if any information is missing or unclear.

Local funding panels will consider all eligible applications. Panels typically consist of ward councillors, community councillors plus representatives from local community organisations.

Panels will look for evidence of how the project will benefit the local community as well as accurate costings.

They may recommend to

  • fully fund the project
  • offer partial funding 
  • decline to recommend an award
  • the panel may choose to defer an application to get further information if funds allow.

Recommendations from funding panels are then considered by the Community Empowerment and Engagement team Head of Service, Andrew Field.

If approved, we will get in touch with formal funding agreement papers. 

Application and guidance

Please use this version of the application form and please note that any applications received that are not on this form may not be accepted.

ownload the Community Grants Fund guidance and application form