
Videos to support wellbeing for children at primary school

Learning to relax and mindfulness


This short film helps you to learn how to focus your eyes and mind on one thing to help you relax and feel calm. It is one of the skills people use in mindfulness.


In this film you can practice focussing on breathing to calm swirling thoughts and feelings. This is a skill people often use in meditation or relaxation.

Body Scan

How our bodies feel is often the first clue that we are feeling worried, upset or tense. We can learn to notice how our bodies are feeling by practising doing a body scan. Try doing this body scan with an adult at home and chat to them about what you noticed.


Thoughts that make us worried or upset

This is a mindfulness exercise that helps you to notice and deal with thoughts that are causing you worries or might be making you feel anxious or angry. There are some more .