
Videos to support wellbeing for children at primary school

Friends and relationships

Kind words

The way we speak to each other helps us to keep friends and have good relationships. In this film the kid president gives us tips for things we should say more often. The kid president has other films on YouuTube that are lots of fun and give lots of good advice.

Joining in

In this film Elmo from Sesame street gets help to join in with friends when he doesn’t know what to do.

Asking permission and consent

Everyone is different and they might feel differently about sharing their things or other people being close to them. This short film helps us understand consent and checking how our friends feel.


Unfortunately bullying is something many young people experience. If you are experiencing bullying it is important you speak to someone you trust.  You can also get support and advice from Childline on 0800 1111. Respect Me has also has a .


Why people bully

There can be lots of reasons people bully. This short CBBC video explains some of the reasons and what to do to change things if you think you have been bullying someone.

Online bullying

Online bullying can knock your confidence. Here are three things to try to help gain your confidence back, so you can start feeling good about yourself again.

Staying safe

Meet Pantosaurus - our pant-wearing Dino! He wants every child to stay safe and strong, just like him, and he's on a mission to share an important message. Listen to his story then watch him singing his song.